Monday, June 2, 2014

"Capturing Art"

I use my pen to capture creativity in its raw stages
You see the thing about writing from your heart
Is it happens at any given moment
And no its not always fairytales,or sugar and spice
Sometimes it's anger and real life reality
You see I don't capture lies...
I capture pure intensity

That's sometimes causes discomfort
And uneasiness
But that's the beauty of pure art
It is unapologetic for capturing emotions
In the midst of its unveiling
And spilling out truth in every line
And given healing and freedom to the being that releases it...
And to the writer for interpreting
Their heart's sentiments  -Lyric Xpression 

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Detoxing Our Mind and Spirit

Have you ever wondered why the most successful people tend to be perfectionist?

I watch how Oprah, Jay Z, Tyler Perry, and, Diddy carry such high standards because they believe in their gifts and they will not allow for any mediocrity.

It's not that they're "perfect" because there no such thing, but they strive constantly to attain that high level of excellence which is why they surpass every goal they set. These are no overnight success stories either. Their background consists of many conflicts and very humble beginnings.

Many of us forget that our circumstances don't define what we can be, it's all in our mentality.
This is where detoxing comes in for the renewing of the psyche and spirit.


We concentrate so much on detoxing our bodies for the intent of weight lost that we forget to cleanse out the two most important things, our minds, and our spirits. You see, our spirit is what keeps us functioning above water by helping us to cope in society through the good and the bad. When we detox and nourish them properly, we can reach levels that we once thought m unimaginable.

Why It's Important 

Have you ever set a goal and as you come closer to reaching it, you find yourself doing less work, and you're not as enthusiastic as you were before? The main reason for these things is because our minds and spirits are not being replenished

Just like anything that isn't cared for properly, it will begin to half function, and it will just be a matter of time before we find ourselves being comfortable at a standstill.

How to Detox

You see we need guidance and faith to maintain any of these goals. Detoxing comes from us keeping our spirit and mind in connection to our Maker. He refreshes us daily when we communicate with him and meditate on His word.


If we can make time for everything else, why not make time to keep communication open with our most valuable being. With a renewed mind, we are able to think clearly, and keep focus on setting and achieving our goals, and also take it to the next stage.

 Remember, we are only as strong as our mind, but we can go even further when we combine a healthy spirit filled with faith.

Friday, May 23, 2014

Diving into Faith

When you try you never fail. Failing is never having the courage to put yourself out there and go after what life has in store for you. What good is life if we are just existing in it?

 No matter how scared it may be,and unfamiliar you have to test your faith and go after what's yours! Are you ready to  dive in? Are you ready to be extraordinary? Are you ready to look back and laugh at your fears and yourself for thinking this was impossible? Let's Dive!

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Applying Confidence

In my previous  blog one of my readers commented that the advice given was sound, and we all should apply not rushing things when it comes to dating, however she also said it was easier said than done.
This inspired me to explore the topic of confidence, how to gain it, apply it, and how to keep it.

Confidence the New Sexy

As women we are guilty of looking at what we regard to be a not so attractive woman and think "How did she get him". I have seen men love on women who society deems as average or less than. The reasons men flock to her is because she knows her worth. Yes, we have some that take advantage of women, but those are the ones who lack assurance and we are speaking of Confident Women. Men are drawn to women who believe in their beauty and their value, women who walk into a room and own it..

Here's Why They Love Them

No man wants a woman who doesn't believe she is beautiful. If she doesn't believe it, how will she believe his compliments. Let's face it, a confident woman is not only comfortable with herself at all cost,she is also comfortable in her skin..
Ladies, men do not care about stretch marks, jiggly thighs are even a little gut. If he is with you, trust me he has undressed with his eyes and he is very aware of what you consider to be your imperfections, to him, It's his playground.

My ex (whom shall remain nameless) always wanted me to be half naked or naked around him because he loved my body. This was uncomfortable to me at first because my body wasn't what I deemed as perfect.. My thighs kissed more than I did, and my skin had stretch marks from pregnancy and weight gain. I began to feel silly covering up what he loved to see.
The moment I let go of my insecurities made for greater intimacy, but it also made me feel sexy, beautiful, and confident.

How to get it

First thing first, we must view ourselves as queens. Not to be religious,  but we have to know that God created us In His Image,and he makes no mistakes. If there is anything that you dislike about your body or shape change it. Work out, eat healthy, meditate and pray. You will be surprised how physical exercise and meditation changes your view. Each day look at yourself in the mirror and remind yourself of how great you are. Be anxious for nothing,and no one. Relationships are like buying a car and or  home. When a salesman tries to rush you into a purchase, chances are it's a lemon or a bad deal. So if you don't make haste decision with your purchases, why would you with love?

On the episode of Mary Jane, she posted notes of positivity on her mirror. This can work, however you must put it into practice. Ridding yourself of self esteem issues requires daily affirmations from yourself of just how amazing you are. Once you put it into a routine, just like the perfect melody, you will feel it, but most importantly you will trust it.  We posses so much power it's just a matter of us unlocking and releasing our inner Diva.

Let It Go

Let go of what the last clown did to you. Holding on to heartache only makes you look bitter and it makes you miserable. Every man isn't bad,you just chose to occupy your time with the wrong one. Let it go already! Why you are still trying to figure out what happened, he is hugged up with the next one. So why waste energy on something that wasn't meant to be.

Seeing in Believing (Applying It)

After you have your new found confidence go out and test it. Go out and smile,be a presence in the room and watch you attract a worthy suitor. You see the bumbs, and scumbs tend to go after the girl who fidgets with her hands, makes no eye contact and who accepts all compliments.
You see all attention isn't good attention. This is how we weed out the ones who aren't worthy of a hello let alone our time.

It Takes Time

Don't be alarmed if after reading this you don't wake up feeling like America's Next Top Model Lol. Like any bad habit, it takes time and patience to rid yourself of it. Emotional abuse that is self inflicted  by far is a challenge, because it is how you feel about yourself. Detoxing is needed for the mind, as well as the body.

Until you reach complete confidence in yourself and your value do not date. I repeat DO NOT DATE! You'd be setting yourself up for failure. Take this time to love on you, figure out what you want for yourself and proceed after it. Don't be afraid to be alone,it is important to make yourself into what you desire. If you want a confident,handsome,spiritual,and fiscally responsible man, you must be the same thing. I promise he will not want the incomplete version of you. Remember the right man is out there waiting to make your acquaintance, so build you,and enjoy the journey that leads to finding self happiness,self love and the rest will follow.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

The Questions

Awhile ago I asked for a few topics on Facebook to write about on my web blog. I received an overwhelming response from ladies regarding relationships. They, like many of us all seem to hold the same unanswered questions when it pertains to dating, relationships, and finding love.

Can I Be Real?

Let's face it, men and women view and approach dating and relationships differently. When I turned thirty, it was as if my biological clock sounded off and I was in a hurry to find a man to meet my womanly requirements if you will. In the end, I was involved in two bad relationships, that I take total blame for because I was desperate. (Harsh I know) 
I was so set on fulfilling a void that I forgot about real love and enjoying the journey and living in the moment. 

Now that's not to aver that the men in my life were saints (Far from it). I just assumed the responsibility because, my woman's intuition had already warned me to walk away. You know that gut feeling that tells you to stop, leave it alone, ABORT, ABORT, guess what? It's real.

Men, however, take a different  approach when comes to relationships and dating. They go into it with no expectation, they enjoy the moment and most are okay with not pressing a connection that clearly isn't there. Then we have some that bank on our insecurities and will gladly oblige you physically for a night or for standby purposes only. 

Which Will You Be?

Many of us have been guilty of this, some of us are aware of it and some are naive. The ones that are aware tell themselves "I'm a grown woman" or "I'm get mines" Many of them ,end up falling in love or have a stalker that can't seem to rid themselves of.

The Solution

Ladies what if I told you dating is to be fun, and no pressure. It is about the process of elimination. We must take a cue from the fellas and learn how to go into dating with no expectation. If it works out great, if not lets keep it moving. We are so afraid of starting over that we miss out on the journey of true love.

Holding onto or forcing a Mr. Wrong in your life for companionship will cause you far more pain than being alone. When it's the right time it will happen until then enjoy the moments of being single, and live life. Don't wait for a man to give you happiness, that is a task that is for you and God....

Untitled Poetry

Monday, May 19, 2014

True Reflections

We are not merely a reflection of our good days, we are  reflections of everyday life. We have become a society of secrecy, we rather keep hush than reveal our pain and struggle, yet we are not afraid to broadcast our shine.

 How are we encouraging the lost if all they see from us is the glitz, and glamour? We are failing our future by not being true in our walk,and by hiding the messy and broadcasting the clean. 

In order for us to be a society of faith, and determination we must pull the blinders away. No, I am not proposing that we reveal our most personal, intimate details of our life, but we do have a responsibility to share our goodness as well as how we have overcome. Isn't that what faith is all about? Being transparent to the wounded so that can understand process, sacrifice, faith and purpose. 

The instant that we realize our reflections aren't just for our view, but for the saving of souls ,we can then began to be truly about the work of God...


We must first examine ourselves...Be mindful of the aura that we put into the atmosphere and be the best example of the Creator that we can be... Everything else shall and will follow....