Monday, May 19, 2014

True Reflections

We are not merely a reflection of our good days, we are  reflections of everyday life. We have become a society of secrecy, we rather keep hush than reveal our pain and struggle, yet we are not afraid to broadcast our shine.

 How are we encouraging the lost if all they see from us is the glitz, and glamour? We are failing our future by not being true in our walk,and by hiding the messy and broadcasting the clean. 

In order for us to be a society of faith, and determination we must pull the blinders away. No, I am not proposing that we reveal our most personal, intimate details of our life, but we do have a responsibility to share our goodness as well as how we have overcome. Isn't that what faith is all about? Being transparent to the wounded so that can understand process, sacrifice, faith and purpose. 

The instant that we realize our reflections aren't just for our view, but for the saving of souls ,we can then began to be truly about the work of God...

1 comment:

  1. I think if people stop not only participating in messiness but stop posting all over social media. I see many people posting their problems on social media but never about how they resolved their problems. There aren't any testimonies anymore.
