Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Detoxing Our Mind and Spirit

Have you ever wondered why the most successful people tend to be perfectionist?

I watch how Oprah, Jay Z, Tyler Perry, and, Diddy carry such high standards because they believe in their gifts and they will not allow for any mediocrity.

It's not that they're "perfect" because there no such thing, but they strive constantly to attain that high level of excellence which is why they surpass every goal they set. These are no overnight success stories either. Their background consists of many conflicts and very humble beginnings.

Many of us forget that our circumstances don't define what we can be, it's all in our mentality.
This is where detoxing comes in for the renewing of the psyche and spirit.


We concentrate so much on detoxing our bodies for the intent of weight lost that we forget to cleanse out the two most important things, our minds, and our spirits. You see, our spirit is what keeps us functioning above water by helping us to cope in society through the good and the bad. When we detox and nourish them properly, we can reach levels that we once thought m unimaginable.

Why It's Important 

Have you ever set a goal and as you come closer to reaching it, you find yourself doing less work, and you're not as enthusiastic as you were before? The main reason for these things is because our minds and spirits are not being replenished

Just like anything that isn't cared for properly, it will begin to half function, and it will just be a matter of time before we find ourselves being comfortable at a standstill.

How to Detox

You see we need guidance and faith to maintain any of these goals. Detoxing comes from us keeping our spirit and mind in connection to our Maker. He refreshes us daily when we communicate with him and meditate on His word.


If we can make time for everything else, why not make time to keep communication open with our most valuable being. With a renewed mind, we are able to think clearly, and keep focus on setting and achieving our goals, and also take it to the next stage.

 Remember, we are only as strong as our mind, but we can go even further when we combine a healthy spirit filled with faith.

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